Thursday, November 12, 2015

15 Rats

I had twice as many rats a few days ago. I gave the others to my friend P. I used to be able to handle thirty plus rats but this year has brought  me more pain. My shoulder is re-injured and just over all arthritis. Researchers say that people that are high functioning autistic like me find this one thing they are interested in and go all out. All my life it has been animals for me. Reading too but that is a subject for a different post. I have also done rescue my whole life. I never had what it took to really run a full blown 501 rescue but I was always available for people to bring unwanted or lost/found animals to me and God always put animals in need in my path when I left my house. This past month I closed my doors. I am no longer able and my husband is just as bad off, maybe worse so its the time. That makes me sad but also it is opening up a new future. A future of just enjoying and spoiling the 18 critters we have now. Two cats, one dog and 15 rats. Bring it on. The picture is Angel, our main man. I cannot wait to get my room cleaned up so he can free range again. He is such an amazing boy.


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