Monday, June 14, 2010

I prefer my live journal

O.k. So that is not the title I wanted to choose for today's post. But I guess it will have to do. The only thing I don't like about Lj is the posting semagic download thing on my desktop for easy posting that I use that I can barely see what I type. Here I can see what I am typing out. Which is delightful. So I have no idea how I will work the whole which blog to choose thing. I love blogger because all the people I have been reading and new reads, I can comment on because of this blog.

And now, I have some great people stopping by to comment me back. YIKES!! that is scary. I don't usually feel like writing when I am happy or too sick. So it leaves for some dreary reading. Which I guess in the start, I needed help and wanted someone to help me/save me but it wasn't in Gods timing. Though now, I am living with my Mom and hoping we can be close. I am where my heart desires to be. Word association brings me to think of Noelle, which makes me want to scream to the mountain tops and Gods ears, Please let baby B grow! GROW BABY B, GROW PLEASE!! Also, drop over and say hi and say some Prayers for her and Baby B!

I am finding myself settling in and living life instead of waiting to live life. Though if you would like to Pray for me, that would be great. I am right now on the back porch typing this out and I do not have a room here yet. My clothes are in the garage and getting goo on them from passing rodents/bugs and it creeps me out. But I can't rush Mama and right now we have our dear friend J in the hospital as of 6 am this morning, so things have crashed (and I am o.k with that, I want J home safely ASAP, even if I am getting my old his now room while he is gone) to a major halt.

Here is Taylor

She is my Service Dog. My heart. My best friend of the fur world. She seems to be saying, "Mom, if you have time to blog, can you throw my wubba for me, huh huh pleaseeee?

I am over heated so I will go for now. I am going to throw a link up at Lj that points here and see how I go from there.

J needs Prayers also. He is going in for more heart surgery stuff and has CHF-Severe. he is a Veteran and my Mom's earthly angel. He helps here at the house and he is just amazing. There is a part of his heart they couldn't see and they will be checking that out when they go inside tomorrow. I am Praying that they find everything to be in working order and he is allowed home soon after is procedure/surgery.

xoxo, Kandi Ann (and yes, I know it says who I am in my profile part, Its the OCD. I have to sign out.) OH and OMGAH I was in the ER, actually 2 this past week, I was transferred from one to another by ambulance and J and Mom had to get my car from one to the other also, it was a crazy night. I brought my medical files in with me and the Dr. from the first ER looked me dead in the eyes and said, "Wow, I have never seen such a severe case of OCD." UH, Thanks Doc. I did like her tons so I didn't stab her with my IV needle or anything, as for results on labs, my WBC was elevated but have heard no news on any of the other "growth" results.

Yep, all my blood they took, in those huge arse viles. She said most of it was broth. It conjured up thoughts of soup. Now I can never eat soup again. :oP

They treated Taylor like a queen, bringing us both warm blankets and anything we desired. She even got one of the nurses dinner bar. WOW thank you lady. That was above and beyond. We really appreciated that.

Uh Mama? Aren't you sick? Shouldn't you stop taking pictures of me so we can both rest? Love, Tay

The sun went behind the clouds and it cooled off a bit here, so I guess I wasn't done with this post after all.

I love to take pictures. My Sony point and shoots card reader isn't compatible with Vista which makes me cry because I have no place to set up my desk top computer. So a photographer at heart is stuck using a cell phone camera. Sobs! Though possibly some good news on this front is J lent me a camera, not nearly the quality of my camera but a girl has to do what a girl has to do, I have used it but have yet to try to dump the stick so I am holding my breath on the quality of pictures, as I said. I love to take pictures.

This is Billie Bob Sarah Girl Grump. I love this cat. Out of Mama, J's and my cats we have 9 total and this girl has ONE friend out of them all cause she growls and hisses if the other cats even look at her. She also bites people. I was pleased yesterday when I wasn't able to get out of her way fast enough and she got me and didn't hurt me. I think I am making friends with this old bat. Whom I rescued years ago as a skinny starving homeless thing. She has medical problems as most white cats do so forgive her fatness. She can't help it.

I am sure I will be back with more happy. I really enjoyed doing this post. I hope my 9th grade education writing skills doesn't make your eyes bleed. It is what I have to work with after all. Peace Out.


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